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Thursday, November 10, 2016

Vice Chancellor Position, Federal University Otueke

The position of Vice-Chancellor of the Federal University Otuoke, Bayelsa State, will be vacant with effect from 17th February, 2016. In this regard, and in accordance with the Provisions of the Universities and the approval of the Council, the University wishes to commence the processes for the appointment of a Vice-Chancellor. 
To this end, applications are hereby invited from interested and suitably qualified candidates for the post of Vice-Chancellor of the University.
The Federal University Otuoke is one of the nine universities   established by the Federal Government on February 11, 2011, with a mandate to increase access to University education in all the States of the Country, promote quality tertiary education and have a focus on regional issues in education and research. It is located in Otuoke, Ogbia Local Government Area in Bayelsa State. It commenced academic activities in October 2012, offering courses in the Arts, Social Sciences, Life and Physical sciences and Management Sciences. Its Faculty of Engineering and Technology is to come on stream soon. It will graduate its pioneer students in July 2016. It has a student population of about 2000 under-graduate students and a staff strength of 1700. 
The Institution is fast-growing and aspires to be a world-class University through curriculum innovation, good teaching, research, infrastructural development and attracting and retaining experienced academic and administrative personnel.
The Vice-Chancellor is the Chief Executive and Academic Head of the University; and is also the Chairman of Senate, Congregation and member of the Governing Council. The Vice-Chancellor shall exercise general supervision over the activities of the University and have general responsibility to Council for the maintenance of law, order and peace in the University by ensuring that the Law, Statutes and Regulations of the University are enforced and observed.
The Vice-Chancellor shall among other duties: 
  1. give academic leadership by promoting academic excellence;
  2. be competent at all times to advise the Council on all matters affecting the policy, finances and administration of the University;
  3. regulate the admission of students, subject to the   guidelines    and procedure approved by the Senate and other   statutory bodies;
  4. be responsible for staff and student discipline and   welfare in   the University.
Applicants for the position of Vice-Chancellor, Federal University Otuoke, must be distinguished scholars with outstanding academic and administrative records and must be proven manager of human and material resources. Specifically, the candidate:
  1. must be a full professor of normally, not less than ten (10) years standing with ability to provide dynamic academic  and administrative leadership for  the University and should have held sufficient academic and administrative positions to prepare the candidate for the position of Vice-Chancellor;
  2. be able to uplift the academic stature of the University; 
  3. should have a good understanding of the vision and   mission of the University; 
  4. should be able to attract research grants and   complementary funds from local and international agencies, for the development of the University;
  5. should posses personal integrity in the management of     funds and be able to deploy financial resources as appropriate in the context of Strategic Plan of the University;
  6. must demonstrate inter-personal and team building skills  and possess the ability to build bridges between staff, students, and other members of the university community and stake-holders;
  7. should have a demonstrable ability to establish and maintain partnerships with local, national, international, governmental and non-governmental agencies and organizations;
  8. should be an individual  who, judging from his/her    track     records, is likely to earn the respect as well as the loyalty of    members of staff, students and the University Community;
  9. should be able to demonstrate ability to attract,  motivate, and retain highly  skilled and talented staff in all categories of staff (teaching and non-teaching);
  10. should be able to exhibit entrepreneurial drive and ability to attract extra-statutory funds and mobilize other resources for the development of the University;
  11. should have excellent written and spoken communication skills;
  12. should be in a position to ensure the enforcement of the University Law and Regulations;
  13. should be information and Communication Technology (ICT) proficient and be committed to the development of ICT into the University programmes and services;
  14. must be of excellent physical and mental health and of unassailable integrity;
  15. must not be more than 65 years of age by February, 2016, when the position is scheduled to be occupied.
 The Vice-Chancellor shall hold the office for a single term of five (5) years.
The remuneration and condition of service for the post of Vice-Chancellor are as applicable in all Federal Universities and as determined by the Federal Government of the Country.
Interested candidates are required to submit thirty copies (30) of their application letters and curriculum vitae in an envelope addressed to the Registrar, Federal University Otuoke not later than six weeks from the day of the advertisement and the post applied for must be clearly written at the top right hand corner of the envelope. A one-page of candidate’s vision statement for the University during his/her tenure if appointed should be attached to the application. The applications must include academic and professional qualifications, Birth Certificate or Statutory Declaration of Age, list of publications, verifiable evidence of work experience and curriculum vitae that includes the following among other information;
  1. Full Name (Surname, First Name, Middle Name)
  2. Post Applied for
  3. Place and State of Birth
  4. Nationality
  5. State of Origin
  6. Permanent Home Address 
  7. Correspondence Address (if different from permanent home address)
  8. Mobile Phone Number
  9. E-mail Address
  10. Marital Status
  11. Number and Ages of Children (if any)
  12. Educational Institutions Attended with Dates
  13. Academic Qualifications Obtained with Dates
  14. Professional Qualification Obtained with Dates
  15. Work  Experience Including Full Details of Former and Present Posts 
  16. Community Service(s) Rendered (including dates and locations)
  17. Full Details of Teaching and Research Experience 
  18. List of Publications and Dates where Applicable
  19. Honors/Awards
  20. Extra-Curricular Activities
  21. Names and Addresses of Three Referees One of whom must be from the last or Current Place of Employment.
Candidates should request their referees to send under confidential cover their independent reports to the Registrar with full details of the applicant and the post applied for, not later than the closing date of this advertisement. The reference letters should be marked CONFIDENTIAL on the right hand corner of the envelope.
Only candidates whose applications are short-listed will be invited for interview.


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